Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Top 5 Most Popular Pins on Pinterest

I'll admit it, I'm a Pinterest addict. For those who aren't familiar with the site, is a website that allows users to create virtual bulletin boards with their favorite websites and pictures, and view the boards that others have created. When someone "repins" something that I have pinned on one of my boards, Pinterest lets me know with a notification.

Here are my pins that are the most popular for others to repin:
Big Ideas Math - Game Closet
Spooky Halloween Recipes
Orange Cream Fruit Dip Recipe
DIY Beach Candle Holder
How to Make Healthy Smoothies

There they are! It's interesting to me to see which ones turn out to be the most popular. The seashell candle holder is often repinned and I don't really even like it anymore. What about you? What are the top 5 repins from your boards?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Seen on Maui! - Island Plants and Animals

I am in Maui this week and loving it! Everything here is so incredibly beautiful. I enjoy taking pictures of plants and animals. Here are a few photos that I have taken so far. I will post a Part 2 later in the week. ♥ Haley

 Java Sparrow - Lonchura oryzivora

 Double shot - two in one! I didn't notice the little guy at the bottom until after I was zooming in to take the picture.
 Bird of Paradise - Strelitzia reginae
Gold Dust Day Gecko - Phelsuma laticauda
(I really like this gecko's name)

Hibiscus - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 
I need to take a better picture; it's really a pretty flower

Bougainvillea Tree - Bougainvillea arborea

Sonoran Carpenter Bee - Xylocopa sonorina
I thought this was some kind of flying beetle until I noticed it was going from flower to flower collecting pollen.

Hibiscus (possibly Hawaiian Sunset variety) - Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

House Gecko - Hemidactylus frenatus

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Infographic: Title Capitalization

I love infographics! I was searching for a simple list of words that shouldn't be capitalized in titles, but couldn't find one. It occurred to me, "That sounds easy enough, I should just make one!" So here it is folks.

If you are interested, I used the website to make it, and it took me around five minutes. The website is free to use, but if you want to download a quality image of your infographic, you need a "premium" (read: paid) subscription. I'll be searching for a program that is free and produces a higher resolution image. If you know of one, please leave me a comment!